
A Dedication to Helping

The Sisters of St. Mary of Namur live their lives in service and in prayer, acknowledging each day those who give of their time and talents and dollars. The Sisters welcome with hospitality all who join in spreading the Gospel.

My Joyful Choice

Many people feel an affinity for their mission, and the Sisters are most grateful. From community volunteers to those who seek the vocation of the sisterhood, opportunities to strengthen the ministry are never ending. Here you will find stories of Sisters and those who have been a part of their lives in meaningful ways.

Become a Sister

Being a Sister is a heart response to Jesus’ invitation to “Come follow me.” The Sisters of St. Mary live in communities of faith, hope and love with fidelity to prayer. They choose simplicity in all things, prefer service among the marginals of society, and proclaim the Gospel. They incorporate genuine care of Earth into their actions, in the spirit of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si. They aspire to be a sign of the Gospel, witnessing to the possibility of a world where unity transcends discord.

Contact Sister Yolanda Cruz, Vocation Director, for an invitation to “Come and See.”

Yolanda Cruz
Vocation Director

Oblates & Associates

Other forms of collaboration are available with the Sisters of St. Mary, including as an Associate or as an Oblate. Oblates are single women who take a vow of availability, chastity and simplicity.

Contact Oblate Clarice Peninger for more information.

Clarice Peninger